wart lips

Thanks Peter ;)

I have a healthy(hearty) 3x daily dose of antibiotics to look forward to, for the rest of this week, and some lidocaine ointment that is successfully numbing my lips as I type.

All in all, it wasn't too bad. I'm glad I'm not in the ER or something, or spending a night.
he said if I become feverish or if I get a sore throat to drop everything I'm doing and get myself into the ER, because if the infection were to spread elsewhere (sinuses throat) it would ruin my week.

So that is that folks, welcome to my itchy, oozy, swollen world :)

Doc says it looks NOTHING like herpes :)
Doc says it looks NOTHING like herpes :)
But do you really think your doctor has ever seen a case of the rare Antennarius maculatus simplex 3 strain of herpes? ;)
OK, lets recap.
Ryan sucked on a hose and came down with something resembleing herpa-sypha-gonna-crab-rag-aids?

I've heard that a high percentage of the prostitutes in the NE area are in fact infected with all kinds of glorious diseases....but when they see Ryan they run the other way!!

Seriously, glad to hear your gonna live, and with your own lips, not Micheal Jackson snap on parts.
Hey Darren, if I can chase a few your way, I'd only be so happy buddy, lord knows you could use a little "luck" ;)
BTW....after what your lips have been being called, I really had to restrain myself in my response to my luck...
I think it's pretty clear that a nickname will be born from this tragedy, it's just a question of what the nickname will be. :p

"Vice President of Purulent Redness", perhaps?

Or "toad"?
Im glad your feeling better.
With that said I gotta say this has got to be the funniest thread I have read:D
Now, seriously... no need for a nickname... Ryan has suffered enough with this, so I think he can go on calling himself by his BRS title, VP of PR... Very Proud of (my) Purulent Rash :D :p Or if that's too long, just VP for short... Very Purulent :D
