Waterbox destroyed me again… *EMERGENCY*

Have you tried contacting waterbox directly about the problem? This is a great hobby and we’d hate to see you go, but having a tank should be a source of enjoyment, not stress.
Dylan watch the videos. Raising the water over the emergency pipes gives me some peace. Its crazy. I feel all i need is the heigjt thats what i need. Just height i dont know how im gonna get it. Seriously i feel raising the height just enough so the water doesnt splash down help so much

Im so frustrated man
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Get another coupler, cut 1/2-3/4 off one side, so looks like an "L" , pop it on the emergency to stop the water trickling in from the front, it'll be open in the back and still work correctly. If there's an issue, drain the tank down some to work on it.
Get another coupler, cut 1/2-3/4 off one side, so looks like an "L" , pop it on the emergency to stop the water trickling in from the front, it'll be open in the back and still work correctly. If there's an issue, drain the tank down some to work on it.
Cutting those 40mm couplers have been the most intense experience ever. They dont fit in a pvc cutter, and handsaw they take the whole day to make a dent on them, and also i tried a mini saw tool and it got caught almost cut my finger.


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A little bit of water trickling down is fine but it shouldn’t cause this much of an issue. Were you able to find anyone else who had this problem?
The ATO will get wrapped into "averaging out". It will run when the flow ebbs low, and turn off when flowing higher, overall the actual level will balance out somewhere in this up/down cycle. It will turn off more than it would normally need to, but find that balance somewhere and then stay there.
Whos willing here to sell me a duncan as my first coral? My tank finished cycling. And my favorite coral is a flowy duncan. after having a rough time i want to treat myself a little and test my water with a coral. Anyone here have some nice frags? Maybe a toadstoll or a zoa to start with
I think you might be taking the %100 dry part to heart a little too much. It’s recommended that way because if reefers tune their drains so there’s a constant trickle in their emergency, it’s like an open invitation for a (perfectly sized) snail to crawl in and then create a (perfect) blockage - which would result in a flood in said set up that’s relying on that constant flow escaping into the emergency.

Dylan just explained my “trust it to average out” concept in excellent detail. :) I think this is where you’re at .

The splash into the emergency is only a problem as much as the noise is annoying. Splashes are fine in this context, you just don’t want a waterfall in there.

Edit I should say, I’ve personally been known to advocate for or push the “%100 dry emergency” thing. Reasoning never changed, it’s just that you actually have listened to the warnings that so many tend to ignore….
Have you tried contacting waterbox directly about the problem? This is a great hobby and we’d hate to see you go, but having a tank should be a source of enjoyment, not stress.
It’s finally fixed. My long distance reefer friends came to my house 1 week ago, we took the hole emergency pipe out. Added 2 metric 45s. And moved the emergency to the back. And now I can’t even hear the water drop.



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Glad you got it sorted, you'd never be able to live here with the sounds of water cascading over here on multiple tanks, lol.
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