10 gal NANO build thread

so turns out that the "white spots" that i was freeking out about was olny sand my brother pointed it out and i moved the rock and it all came right off... im a mess lol
i fixed the salinity and got RODI water so that i can top off all this week im ready to go now getting an RODI unit next weekend from my aunt
indeed however this computer that im on is my moms work computer and they have it set up so i cant use the camera to upload the pics i will get to it probably tomorow during school it will be up ASAP.
startin to look like a reef ay????


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so the first coral is in the tank. the coral is a green gonipora (spelling) and from what i understand they dont do to well in captivity. my aunt had it in her tank after getting it from someone who thought that their light wasnt enough and in turn my aunt didnt think she had enough light. she gave it to me in hopes of it coming back under that 70 watt halide i have it has lost several polyups since i put it in the tank and the ones that are there are starting to look healthy anyone have any tips on keeping these???
found a starfish in the tank alive and well coraline is growin on my glass as well things are lookin up but diatoms are blooming still
more pics

pics of recent events the stars name is fredrick. does this look like red slime to anyone or does it look more like diatoms?


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try some cheato in your hob filter with a little desk lamp over it. i just set up a tank with a fuge and i had very little diatoms, just on the glass a little bit. i can bring some down tomorrow if you want and bring it over around 2 or so when you get out of school.
well here it goes gonna use a aquaclear 70 for the refugium this will be a fun DIY mod im gonna have to take pics of this =D oh yeah and update the light was cut back to nothing today and a significant die off was present the whole white skeleton in the middle was a light tan today when i got home opposed to a dark brown when i had the lights on
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