New Member Introduction

Marshall O

Hello all. Just joined BRS so figured I would introduce myself. I have been in the hobby now about 18 months (I had FW tanks for about 15 years before starting my first SW tank). Here are the tanks I have and a little about them:

125 mixed reef with dual overflows, 29 gal sump and 45 gal refugium. I have around 35-40 different corals (good mix of SPS, LPS, mushrooms, Rics, Zoas/Palys) almost all frags or started as frags. I am a Wrasse freak (see my avatar :) ); 4 currently in the tank and 3 more in QT. Also have a Magnificent Foxface, Flame Angel, Midas Blenny and Neon Goby.

46 bowfront - I have been using this as a QT for the past 18 months. It is a basic FOWLR (well with a couple soft corals), HOB skimmer, refugium, etc. I have not decided 100% what this will house once I am done stocking the 125.

JBJ 28 - This was a mixed reef but my Blue Spotted Jawfish made it hard to keep corals in the tank. My plan is to move the BSJ into the 46 and then house Clowns and Anemone(s). Right now it also houses a Helfrichi Firefish, Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse, Yellow Assessor, and Tailspot Blenny.

I also have an unstocked Aqueon Evolve 8 in my kitchen. I am leaning towards doing a Goby/Pistol Shrimp along with some Sexy Shrimp.

I hope to attend a number of meetings (hopefully the one this Saturday!), and thanks for
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Here is an older pic of a couple inhabitants in my 125:

And a sneak peak of the future wrasse additions that are currently in my 55 gallon HT (being treated for Ich):

Old pic of my 28 before I had to relocate almost all corals to my 125 (I still have the Meteor Shower in there):

Welcome Aboard! Check out the forum header often for local meetings and speakers. The next couple of meetings are in Taunton and Framingham, which are pretty close to you. If you get a chance to stop in make sure you say hello.

Also, when did you snap that picture of me in your post. Those paparazzi! They are everywhere I tell you.
Welcome Aboard! Check out the forum header often for local meetings and speakers. The next couple of meetings are in Taunton and Framingham, which are pretty close to you. If you get a chance to stop in make sure you say hello.

Also, when did you snap that picture of me in your post. Those paparazzi! They are everywhere I tell you.

Thank you! Depending on the day, the Framingham is no problem at all. I am going to try and attend Taunton this weekend :)

And yes, you are indeed everywhere :) Most visitors that see my tank love the Flame the most. They are stunning little fish!
Welcome aboard! Look forward to meeting you. I'm nearby in Framingham. Sounds like you have accomplished a lot in 18 months.
Welcome aboard! I usually have to suggest to people to post pics so you get a +1 in that department!
Love your wrasses. I have a handful of them in my 92 corner tank but with my current shallow rimless tank they would be carpet surfing for sure!
Welcome aboard! Look forward to meeting you. I'm nearby in Framingham. Sounds like you have accomplished a lot in 18 months.

Thanks! It has been a fun ride so far :)

Welcome aboard! I usually have to suggest to people to post pics so you get a +1 in that department!
Love your wrasses. I have a handful of them in my 92 corner tank but with my current shallow rimless tank they would be carpet surfing for sure!

Thank you! I wasn't sure whether this was the place to show your tanks off, or in the Photography section? I have plenty more to share either way. Here is my current wrasse list in order of when I got them:

C. lubbocki (Lubbock's Fairy - Terminal Male)
C. bathyphilus (Vanuatu Hooded Fairy - Terminal Male)
C. laboutei (Labout's Fairy - Terminal Male)
P. attenuatus (Diamond Tail Flasher - avatar picture - Terminal Male)
C. earlie (Earl's Fairy - Terminal Male)
C. lineatus (Lineatus Fairy - Submale)
C. jordani (Flame Fairy - Juvenile/Female)
W. nigropinnata (Yellow Banded Possum - in my 28)
We love photos here, start another thread in the photography section and go nuts!
You have great taste in wrasse by the way.
We love photos here, start another thread in the photography section and go nuts!
You have great taste in wrasse by the way.

Sounds good, will do! And thank you :) I have a thing for rare and/or expensive wrasses; luckily my wife loves them too!
Hey Marshall. Just realized you're around the way in Marlboro.
Welcome to the group. You have some amazing wrasses, man. Cripes, I hope your 125 has a mesh cover. :eek:
Hey Marshall. Just realized you're around the way in Marlboro.
Welcome to the group. You have some amazing wrasses, man. Cripes, I hope your 125 has a mesh cover. :eek:

Thanks Moe! Yup, right around the corner from you. And yes, the 125 is 100% covered by my homemade BRS screen tops. I have wrasses bouncing off them every night it seems...

Welcome! Love the rockscape in the cube!:w:applouse:

Thanks! That tank is soon to get a much needed overhaul; new rockscape and going to turn it into an anemone tank for my clown pair. Most fish in there will be moved to either my 125 or 46.

Welcome! looks like some nice Wrasses :w

Thank you! It all started with my pair of Lubbock's, and then the obsession started LOL.
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
