Question about Reef Flux advice/ help needed


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Hi all,
I have maxima and crocea clam, and BTA. I have pretty bad breopsys/GHA outbreak that I have been dealing with. I already reduced light schedule, and feedings, and I have refugium with chaeto. I was thinking of treating the tank with Reef Flux, as I read it is very helpful in treating both. My question is should I remove clams before I treat or they will be ok? Will BTA be ok staying in? Please let me know if someone had an experience with it. Thanks.
Hi all,
I have maxima and crocea clam, and BTA. I have pretty bad breopsys/GHA outbreak that I have been dealing with. I already reduced light schedule, and feedings, and I have refugium with chaeto. I was thinking of treating the tank with Reef Flux, as I read it is very helpful in treating both. My question is should I remove clams before I treat or they will be ok? Will BTA be ok staying in? Please let me know if someone had an experience with it. Thanks.
Clams and anemones should be fine, but I’d remove the chaeto or it will die
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