AEFW is responsible for the globle destruction of coral reef


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
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AEFW (Acro Eating Fairy Wrasse) are found on most part of the reef especially the area where massive bleaching occurs.
Some government officials were shocked by the beauty of such Acro Eating Fairy Wrasse that led to their inability to comprehend the reality of global warming, heavy tourism and the fishing industry.
Aided by the fruit cakes from the Center for Biological Diversity (the same people who wanted to list clownfish as endanger species), they declare a war to AEFW.
The plan including massive importation of AEFW into US and effective domestic distribution via highly reputable retail chains, such as Petco.
Disney is planning to delay the release of Finding Dory so that they can incorporate AEFW as one of the main character.


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Wait? We aren't supposed to feed our fish fruitcake?
U guys don't tell me anything!! Lol