Flying Fish & Urchin Roe? Pooled Order

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- If this can be purchased at an LFS, please let me know. -

Anybody interested to share in an order for coral food ingredients?

I was thinking of placing an order for a 3 lb. bag of urchin roe and 1 kg of flying fish roe. Sushi quality.

With overnight shipping it works out to about $4 for approx. 1/4 pound.

It would be here in time for the Saturday meeting.
I'd be interested, but I think it's awfully late to be planning something for the Feb. meeting. Why not put off for one month so that more people have a chance to commit?
Okay, Greg, I'm game if you think more folks will be participate. I have about a month supply of my frozen coral snacks and so I can wait to make another batch. Last time I couldn't find these ingredients and they seem like perfect additions to coral food.

I'd also like to get some of the new DT Oyster Eggs, but don't know who stocks them yet.

Consider this delayed - but if you're reading this, let me know if you are interested in joining the order. Unlike many other items, we will have to divide these bulk the roe into individual bags/container.
I am not sure about the urchin roe but the fish roe you can by at any japanese/oriental market. Even my local Shaws carries it every once in a while.

Corwyn said:
I am not sure about the urchin roe but the fish roe you can by at any japanese/oriental market...
Yeah, that's where I got the stuff for the fish goo, at a Korean supermarket in Central Sq.

Any asian grocery store should have it. It is called "Tobiko"

0.1lbs. cost me $2.23, and this would last anyone for ages. It is really light. Plus, it doesn't seem to spoil under refrigeration. Just shop around locally for a pound and split it up. There's no need for a group buy on this in my opinion,

Matt, thanks for your input and your opinion. Participation is not mandatory.

Again, this pooled order is about Urchin Roe and Flying Fish Eggs. The Urchin Roe is harvested in local waters near San Diego and shipped fresh.

Current List of Participants:
Mark Rogers
Greg Hiller
Okay dokey, we're getting close.

Any other participants?

Current List of Participants:
Mark Rogers
Greg Hiller
Mark, is the flying fish roe the same as tobiko? I hope so! I've checked the asian market in Quincy twice and they are sold out! I think all the reefers in the area are buying it all. I would like a bunch of it - all of my little fish love the stuff.
Yes, same as Tobiko. It should not be impossible to get locally, but nobody close to me carries it. No Asian markets in the boring suburbs...
I know...I have to go off-cape all the way up to Quincy. I even checked Super 88 in Boston and they didn't have any. I'm going to check Quincy again this weekend.
Hi Folks,
Here's the update on the pending order.

1 - Tobikko (flying fish roe) is only available to the cosumer seasoned with soy sauce and sugar. Sorry to disappoint you. This is universal as far as I can tell and anybody that has fed it to their fish has done so with these (chemical preservative free) ingredients. I am okay with it considering the amount to be used and because soy sauce is a naturally fermented soybean & salt mix. ($38/kg)
2- Masago (cappelin roe) is a common substitute at 1/3 the cost and the eggs are 1/4 the size. I think smaller size is better and it is seasoned the same as Tobikko. ($13/kg) I recommend we get this.
3- Uni (urchin roe) is coming to us fresh without any additives or preservatives ($20/3 lbs.)

The order, optimized for Fedex shipping would be as follows:

2 kg Masago $26
3 lbs. Urchin $20 (fresh & unadulterated)
Fedex Shipping $47.99 (there is no local source for bulk, fresh Urchin roe)
Total $93.99

We have six people total participating and that would be 1.25 lbs. of roe per person at $15.67.

If that works for you guys, the order will go in tomorrow.

If this is not interesting to you, I am willing to break portions down further and lower the cost.

One last option is that if we add another 3 lbs. of urchin the cost only goes up to $19.33 per person and you get 1.7 lbs. of roe - 1/2 lb. more for 5 bucks. That's a lot of Grade A fish food cheap!! Consider DT Oyster eggs (I know it's for coral, not fish) is $28 for 1 oz.
I'm in however you decide to do it. Do you freeze some and refrigerate what you will use soon or what?
I currently use Masago and all my small fish love the stuff. I have a lot of it frozen - so that is not an issue. Just defrost it in the fridge a day or so before using it. I put it in smaller containers when I get it so I don't have to defrost the entire batch all at once. I like the last option where we get more of the roe. Whatever you decide Mark - I'm in.

Okay everybody seems flexible based on the thread and PM's, so we will order the larger amount with 1 Kg Tobikko and 6 lbx. Uni. It's a good deal for us, but not for those poor urchins - that's a lot of urchins! :(

I'll break down the shipment and bring it to the meeting on ice. Please expect zip-lock bags for your portions.

This Pooled Order, that was open since February, is now closed. Thanks everybody!
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