flying fish???


is it common for all types of wrasse to be jumpers? i think i'd like to get one in time, but i don't want to put a lid on my tank...any suggestions?
mine doesnt seem like a jumper (6 line wrasse), but I have heard of them being jumpers
ya, i was thinking about the egg crate idea.....but with hesitation...i still don't like how it looks but it would keep the little buggers in the water....

so pretty much every ttpe of wrasse that everyone has kept has ended up outside of thier tank at some piont...ya?
alright then...thanks everyone.....i guess i'll consider the egg crate a bit more for when the time comes.....

what is everyones favorite and most community wrasse?
thanks guys....those links are great...i'll be checking back with them again soon...

thanks again!!!