Flying Fish & Urchin Roe? Pooled Order

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Joe, I may have you covered. The supplier is going to do something special for us and we may get a 1/2 price deal on the urchin roe. I'll know tomorrow after their daily processing.
Let's hear feedback!

My fish loved the eggs, including the baby cardinals! :eek:

The liver-alike thing received a mixed reaction. Maybe in a couple of weeks the fish will eat it with more enthusiasm.

SW thanks for putting the order together.
I can't put enough FF eggs in the water fast enough to satisfy my fish. My large turbinaria swallows one whole egg in each of it's 300 polyps. Pretty amazing to watch.

The liver-like thing :D is the urchin roe. I bought it for Borneman's infamous coral recipe. My large wrasse is the only fish that relishes it.
My fish love the flying fish roe, but won't go near the urchin! I haven't ground it up yet into fish/coral goo - I think I'll give that a try next.
I finally starting serving up a Borneman-esque recipe with the new sea urchin roe. WOW! Corals are really reaching for it and I swear I have an increase in florescent green color in a few corals. My ORA Stag is so happy, it looks more like a millepora. I used raw tiger shrimp, mussels, Thai lobster tails, cyclop-eeze, nori, red algae, dried ESV phyto. I left out flake and pellet food this time.

Maybe this belongs in the DIY forum, but FYIW, my new process is to freeze the food flat in a 1 gallon zip lock bag and then cut it in 1" squares with my chef's knife the next day. It makes fish food cubes without ice trays. I put 1 or 2 cubes in a blender with 8 oz salt water and blend well before serving. Yum. :)
The eggs have definately made a difference in my anthias. they always looked a little thin no matter how many times a day I fed the tank, but they chow on the eggs. Go tobiko!
This was a very easy group buy and the stuff goes fast. Let's do it again in a month. I'm willing to put a stake in the ground now and say we buy again for the June meeting.

Last time we got 9 lbs. of urchin roe at a steal of a price and 1 kg of Capelin roe (1/4 the egg size of true Tobikko) I think 8 people participated and it was $15 per person including shipping. It's shipped overnight so we can do it a few days before the meeting.

We already have:
I think Scavdog wanted some
Sounds like Flighty's anthias will join at least for tobikko
and I'm in again, naturally

We're 1/2 way to 8 people

Pile on if you're interested - you really cannot buy sea urchin roe locally affordably -- at least I can't find it.
I just made some coral goo using the urchin roe, phytoplan and cyclopeeze. I don't know if I used too much roe, but it REALLY clouded up my water. Does this happen to everyone else? How much of the urchin does everyone use? I didn't follow any recipe, I just blended a bunch of the 3 ingredients together. I know the phytoplan clouds up the water too, but I'm wondering if it's the phyto or the urchin that's making it this cloudy. I know the water will clear, I'm just wondering if it clouds everyone's water this much.

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